
No matter how much your company prepares, it is sometimes inevitable: A crisis lands on your doorstep. But you don’t have to be caught off-guard. With a well-thought out crisis communications action plan, your business can tackle the crisis head on. Below, you will find 10 steps to consider when this happens.

1.) Answer the question “Is this a crisis?”
Think about how extensive the situation is or if it will attract media attention.

2.) Gather your Crisis Communications Team.
Ascertain and identify key stakeholders while beginning to gather information.

3.) Centralize information flow.
Direct all key calls to crisis team members and draft internal and external statements.

4.) Control inbound/outbound information.
Discuss, draft and finalize initial statements for employees, media and impacted stakeholders.

5.) Deliver your message.
Communicate with those who need to hear from you.

6.) Conduct reconnaissance of traditional and social media.
Check for inaccuracies and correct/engage as appropriate.

7.) Continue communication as necessary with impacted stakeholders.
Gauge the tone of the coverage (including social media) while considering optics.

8.) Discuss press availability.
Discuss whether an on-camera interview is needed vs. written statements.

9.) Determine follow-up items.
Respond to additional media questions and determine if there are any other groups who need to be communicated with.

10.) Review and evaluate your response and performance
Talk about what went right and what could be changed.

Do you need help formulating a plan? Are you interested in training your c-suite executives in how to prepare? Contact the Michael Best Strategies Public Affairs team to get the conversation started.