Eric Toney, the District Attorney for Fond du Lac County and a candidate in the Republican primary for Attorney General, announced the release of a new radio advertisement that highlights his recent endorsements and vision for the position.

The ad notes Toney’s endorsements from several high-profile organizations and individuals, including U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman, Wisconsin Right to Life, Wisconsin Family Action, the Fraternal Order of Police, the Milwaukee Police Association, and “over 100 sheriffs, District Attorneys, and police chiefs.” In a corresponding press release, he asserts that he is “…the candidate that can unite the Republican Party and put Josh Kaul on trial for his failed record.”

While Toney does not explicitly mention his primary opponent, former State Rep. Adam Jarchow, he does say that “Wisconsin is experiencing historic levels of crime and violence. The answer isn’t legalizing drugs or on-the-job learning.” This statement is in reference to Jarchow’s support for loosening criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana in 2017 while in the State Assembly and his lack of prosecutorial experience; Jarchow has never prosecuted a criminal case in his career as an attorney.

Listen to the ad: Eric Toney Radio Ad #1 – YouTube

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