Derrick Van Orden
$ Raised: $291,135
$ Spent: $1.1 million
Cash on Hand: $554,078

Brad Pfaff
$ Raised: $229,130
$ Spent: $444,164
Cash on Hand: $116,516

In the final look at fundraising numbers before the November general election, Republican 3rd CD candidate Derrick Van Orden reported that he had out-spent his opponent Brad Pfaff (D-Onalaska) by nearly $800,000. The most recent reporting period, which ran from October 1 – 19, saw Van Orden raise $291,135, spend $1.1 million, and have $554,078 in cash on hand. Pfaff raised $229,130, spent $444,164, and had $116,516 in cash on hand to finish the reporting period.

The pre-general report comes on the heels of news from the Dem-aligned House Majority PAC that it pulled $1.7 million in paid media reserved to support Pfaff for the final two weeks of the race.

Michael Best Strategies (Strategies) helps companies accelerate their success through a combination of strategic business consulting, lobbying, government relations, public affairs, and communications. The firm has thrived by providing a diverse team of professionals with the experience, skills, and relationships necessary to help each client achieve their goals more quickly and fully.