HR Assessments & Audits


Best Workplace Solutions offers comprehensive HR Assessments and Audits at affordable rates to help our clients identify deficiencies and potential areas of non-compliance in their Human Resource policies, practices, processes, and systems. Our experience in improving risk and lowering Mods will make your business more attractive to current and potential employees.

Every assessment is completed objectively by a professional human resources practitioner, with the intent of supporting your HR team and improving your organization. Our audit and assessment services are fully-customizable, and include these areas and functions:

  • Legal Employment Practices Audit
  • Talent Acquisition and Onboarding Effectiveness Assessment
  • Employment Branding and Recruitment Marketing Assessment
  • Talent Development Systems Assessment
  • Employee Retention Strategy Effectiveness Assessment
  • Safety and Risk Management Audit
  • Strategic Alignment and Succession Planning Assessment
  • Compensation and Benefits Systems Assessment
  • Compensation Structure “Annual Market Data” Audit and Update Service
  • Or, design a custom assessment based on your needs!

Why Best Workplace Solutions

Our consultants bring years of experience in both HR and Leadership positions, bolstered by degrees in HR and professional HR/OD certifications; which provides our clients with a well-rounded and real-world perspective not often found in the “auditing” world. Further, Best Workplace Solutions has “in-house” access to top-rated employment attorneys at Michael Best & Friedrich, LLP., making finding answers to those tough, legal questions in an ever-changing field a simple phone call away.

How We Do It

After defining the scope of the assessment, your BWS Consultant provides you with a flat-fee proposal and flexible scheduling options. Within two weeks of completion, you receive a full written “Findings and Recommendations Report” with suggestions to remedy any areas of opportunity or non-compliance.

Our report includes a proposed menu of optional services derived from the results. We work collaboratively to prioritize these services and offer the opportunity to partner with our team—a team that is familiar with your staff and business—to implement practical solutions.

Contact us to receive a no-obligation proposal with flat-fee pricing.

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