Joseph Fadness Photo

Joseph F. Fadness*

Principal – Public Relations & Advocacy Director
Michael Best Strategies LLC

*Names that appear with an asterisk indicate a Michael Best professional not admitted to practice law.

790 N Water Street, Suite 2500
Milwaukee, WI 53202


Joe is a senior level strategist with significant statewide experience leading organizations and public relations efforts. He advises companies, nonprofits, and professional associations on public affairs and strategic communications matters.

Before joining Michael Best Strategies, Joe founded a Midwest-based strategic consulting and communications firm. He developed a reputation for quality by providing clients with a hands-on approach to optimize and successfully manage their communications efforts. From public relations and crisis communications to grassroots advocacy, Joe helps amplify clients’ goals and deliver a winning message on their terms. He maintains a strong network of contacts that include state and national press, business leaders, and elected officials.

Joe was a longtime advisor to former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. He served in several leadership roles for Walker, ranging from Senior Advisor and Campaign Manager to Director of External Relations for the Governor’s Office.

Earlier, Joe was a member of the White House Advance Team during President George W. Bush’s second term, preparing visits for the President, Vice President, and First Lady across six continents.

Professional Activities

  • Member, Wisconsin Policy Forum, Economic Development Committee 
  • Member, United Performing Arts Fund, Next Generation UPAF Council
  • Board Member, Imagine MKE


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