Terry Sullivan Photo

Dr. Terry Sullivan, M.D.*

Senior Clinical Advisor

*Names that appear with an asterisk indicate a Michael Best professional not admitted to practice law.

675 15th St.
Ste. 2000
Denver, CO 80202


Dr. Terry Sullivan is a medical doctor (M.D.) with 30 years of experience in the healthcare and insurance industries. He has spent most of his career identifying and implementing solutions to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

As a Senior Clinical Strategist with Michael Best Strategies’ Healthcare Innovation Group, Dr. Sullivan helps healthcare innovators bring their impactful products and solutions to the marketplace, and serves clients in a medical advisory role His experience spans operations and development in the long-term care, rehabilitation, hospital, insurance, pharmaceutical, medical delivery system, public health policy, and corporate health environments. Before joining Strategies, Dr. Sullivan served as Chief Medical Consultant for a health software and analytics startup company.


Terry’s Expertise: Value-based Care, Healthcare Innovation, Strategic Growth, and Analytics

He has served as Chief Medical Officer for several innovative health industry organizations, including:

  • NEHII (The Nebraska Health Information Exchange), a population health utility that provides IT applications to health care providers across the U.S.
  • CareRise Companies, a provider of technology and risk management services to the Long-Term Post-Acute Care continuum
  • COMS Interactive (Clinical Outcomes Management Solutions), a software-based clinical care management system that has dramatically improved patient outcomes

Dr. Sullivan has also held significant leadership roles in managed care, insurance, and public health organizations, including the following:

  • Vice President of Enterprise Sales & Managed Care for Golden Living Companies
  • Vice President & Chief Medical Officer of HUMANA Senior Products (West and North Regions)
  • Chief Medical Officer, PacifiCare of Colorado
  • Medical Director, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Colorado
  • Medical Director, Colorado Department of Health

Professional Activities

Terry’s affiliations during his professional career:


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