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A group named Wisconsin Citizens Demanding Election Integrity announced on Tuesday its intentions to replace Republican members of the State Legislature over its inaction on Assembly Joint Resolution 120, which would attempt to decertify Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential election.

In a press release, it said that “our network is already activating. We will replace Republican legislators or ensure that Republican seats are lost. It’s all the same to us.” However, the release did not specify how the group would go about removing Republican legislators.

“Your impotence lies not in any defect of the Constitution you swore to uphold, but rather in your refusal to embrace it and to act. We elected you to protect our rights and voice. We fully vested you with authority to do so. Yet you stand around and pretend at powerlessness—often ignoring or demeaning us while you do so,” the group wrote.

The group claims that “experts also laid a clear path to decertification,” contrasting with claims by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) and numerous legal experts that decertification is not allowed by state law.

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