5/13: DNC releases targeted ad in Wisconsin on Medicare, Social Security funding


The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has unveiled a new ad buy on Facebook that will be run across eight states, including Wisconsin.

The ad, which targets senior citizens, concerns a plan proposed by U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) that Democrats contend would sunset Medicare and Social Security. This supplements another ad buy that the DNC announced in April in which the group argues that the plan would raise income taxes.

“Seniors across America depend on the Medicare and Social Security benefits they’ve been paying into for decades to access life-saving care and cover everyday expenses – and Republicans are putting their right to these hard-earned benefits in jeopardy,” said States Communications Director Brooke Goren in a press release. “Americans can’t afford the Republican agenda, and the DNC is committed to spending every day between now and November making sure that voters know it.”

In addition to Wisconsin, the ad will run in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Nevada, and Arizona.

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