Kristine Seymourvideo

Kristine Seymour: An Introduction to Digital Therapeutics – updated 3/20/19

Update: if you found this video helpful, you might also be interested in this recent article in MedCityNews, “Creating a Common Language in Digital...
Mental health puzzle

Challenges and Possible Solutions in Behavioral Health – updated 3/25/19

Update: if you found this article helpful, you might also be interested in the March 4th article in CEOWorld Magazine, “Improving Mental Health Care...
healthcare umbrella

Health Payers and Providers Making Big Bets on Social Determinants – updated 3/20/19

Update: if you found this article helpful, you might also be interested in the March 19th article in MedPageToday, “Social Determinants of Health an...
Clock and Money

Illinois’ Plan to Increase Minimum Wage

Illinois’ minimum wage will gradually increase starting next year. Governor JB Pritzker made increasing the minimum wage a central issue of his campaign for...
Lisa Wills

Former Humana Executive, Lisa Wills, Joins Michael Best Strategies

Michael Best Strategies announces the addition of former Humana executive, Lisa Wills, to their Wisconsin office. Wills has 25 years of top-level strategic experience in...
Immigrant construction workers infographic

Border Wall Funding: The Texan Perspective

Now that border wall advocates have failed in their attempts to negotiate border wall funding out of a Democrat controlled Congress, President Trump last...
Steve Israel

Steve Israel, Former Member of Democratic House Leadership, Joins Board of Advisors at Michael...

Michael Best Strategies is pleased to announce that Steve Israel, a former eight-term congressman and member of the Democratic leadership in the U.S. House...
Business People Planning

Opportunities with Opportunity Zones

Michael Best Strategies hosted an invitational briefing for clients and community partners in January to dig into the emerging Opportunity Zones (OZs) program. Created by...
Heap of medical pills

Pharmacy Benefit Manager Regulation: What Happens Now?

What does a Pharmacy Benefit Manager do? A Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) is a firm that is hired by health plans, HMOs, and self-insured employers...
Texas State Captol Building in Austin, Texas

Texas 2018 Election Results: What They Mean for Governing and 2020

November’s election is behind us, and as the legislature gavels into session this week, there is at least one issue on which all political...